WLP Meter approved by ERC, Philippines 2017-01-11 Company News Views:369 WeLeadPower ANSI Meter, IEC meter, Smart Meter approved by Energy Regulatory Commission, Philippines Share: Previous:We Lead Attend Exhibition In Baguio, Philippines RELATED PCB Clone AVR FAT by Davao Lights We Lead BOD at Power Transformer factory We Lead Attend Exhibition In Baguio, Philippines Surge Arrester FAT By Meralco WLP Smart Metering system tested in Meralco Meralco Accredited WLP Meter Factory Meralco Accredited WLP Power Line Fitting Factory AMI&Smart Prepayment meter FAT by Nigeria We Lead conduct the wedge connector training in Meralco Fuse Cutout FAT by Meralco We Lead BOD at SCADA and RTU factory